Movie of the Year: 1975 – Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Movie of the Year: 1975
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python and the Holy Grail is the biggest comedy of 1975, but does it have what it takes to win Movie of the Year?
Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a comedy classic. We are a comedy-slash-movie podcast, so this must be a match made in heaven, right? Well, it sounds like panelist Greg had a big ol sip of his grumpy juice because he is bringing the HATE. But Ryan and Mike, best friends, are here to set him straight as the buds discuss the legend and legacy of Holy Grail.
This movie may have been made for a song (or a lot of songs) but it has endured for over 40 years because of its timeless comedy, and it has endured despite its unusual structure, both of which we break down. Then, just to get things steamy, we start some hot boy talk, where we pick the steamiest men of a time when men were men, and the hot ones were, well, kinda weird looking. Plus, we’ll hand out some awards! All of that, and unavoidably more, on an all-new Movie of the Year!
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