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Spider-Man: The Animated Series – Fisk vs The Cat
The Superhero Show Show #560 Fisk vs The Cat: Can Fisk Use Friskies to Catch The Cat? In this thrilling episode of The Superhero Show Show, the hosts dive into Spider-Man: The Animated Series episode 402, titled “Partners in Danger, Chapter 2: The Cat.” With the legendary Wilson Fisk, aka the Kingpin, and the…
1996 – Action Figure Draft, Part II
Movie of the Year: 1996 Action Figure Draft, Part II The exciting conclusion to the Action Figure Draft! In the Movie of the Year episode, “1996 Action Figure Draft,” the hosts dive headfirst into a playful yet fiercely competitive draft of action figures inspired by the movies, TV shows, and pop culture moments of…
Superman and Lois 4.08: Luthor vs Lois
The Superhero Show Show #559 Superman and Lois 4.08: Luthor vs Lois Luthor vs Lois: Breaking Down Superman and Lois Episode 408 In this episode of The Superhero Show Show, the hosts unpack the high-stakes drama of Superman and Lois episode 408, titled “Sharp Dressed Man.” With tensions rising, the episode pits two titanic forces—Lex…
1996 – Action Figure Draft
Movie of the Year: 1996 Action Figure Draft In the Movie of the Year episode, “1996 Action Figure Draft,” the hosts dive headfirst into a playful yet fiercely competitive draft of action figures inspired by the movies, TV shows, and pop culture moments of 1996. With creativity and nostalgia at the forefront, each host builds…
The Penguin Finale: Farrell, Milioti, and Sticking the Landing
The Superhero Show Show #558 The Penguin Finale: Colin Farrell’s Cobblepot, Cristin Milioti, and Sticking the Landing In this exciting episode of The Superhero Show Show podcast, hosts and fans of all things comic book TV dig deep into the thrilling season finale of The Penguin. With the series finale front and center, the…
1996 – Breaking the Waves
Movie of the Year: 1996 Breaking the Waves In this episode of Movie of the Year, we dive into the haunting world of Breaking the Waves (1996), Lars von Trier’s unforgettable drama that challenges viewers with its exploration of faith, love, and sacrifice. This episode offers insights into Emily Watson’s career-defining performance, von Trier’s…
Our thoughts...
Pop music gets little to no respect as a genre. It’s passe, for squealing pubescent girls who show up to concerts with their reluctant fathers and glitter smeared across the apples of their be-acned cheeks. The lyrics in pop is about as deep as a side-walk puddle, especially in comparison to rap and…
Read MoreIf you’ve visited the website for longer than 2 seconds, you get that the tone ranges from semi-serious reviews to the out-and-out farcical. We do our best to shy away from political discussions of any kind, as they are mostly total bummers. We try to be entertainment about entertainment, and (because we refuse to do…
Read MoreIf you woke up tomorrow, and your internet looked like this, what would you do? Imagine all your favorite websites taking forever to load, while you get annoying notifications from your ISP suggesting you switch to one of their approved “Fast Lane†sites.Think about what we would lose: all the weird, alternative, interesting, and…
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