The British Are Coming (And Have Been for a While)

It’s time to discuss a painful but increasingly undeniable reality that I’ve come across during my hours of watching television lately.  So brace yourself, because what I’m about to say may offend, confuse or enrage you. The British make better TV shows than we do. Don’t get me wrong.  I’m as patriotic as they come. …

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Ads Gone Wild

If you were one of the tens of millions of people to watch the televised NFL championship game known as the Super Bowl, you no doubt were witness to one of the weirdest annual American spectacles.  No, I’m not referring to Madonna trying to convince the world (and herself) that she’s still somehow relevant, but…

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And the Award Goes To….

Well, my friends, the time has come once again for us to glue ourselves to the couch and buckle up for another whirlwind roller coaster of prime-time shows where rich people we don’t know tell us what programs, films, music videos, and albums are worthwhile and which ones we can all safely ignore. I’m speaking,…

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Dorks, Dr. Pepper, and the Demise of Men

If you’re a man and regularly watch television, there is a strong likelihood that you are suffering a crisis when it comes to your masculinity.  What’s that?  You’re not??  Then you’re even worse off than I thought, and are clearly in denial.  I say this with great confidence, because as a man that watches a…

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I Need a Hero

Have you noticed anything missing from TV lately?  Think hard.  What used to be around all the time that is now increasingly tougher to find?  It’s simple – we’re running out of heroes. Amazing, isn’t it?  We have hundreds of channels, probably thousands of shows and the old-fashioned good guy — a strong, brave soul…

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Why TNT Nails It Every Holiday Season

Well, it’s that time of year again.  Surely, this can’t come as a surprise to you.  If you’re anything like me (and if you’re reading this, you probably are) you’ve no doubt been bombarded against your will with the incessant sounds of Christmas music for the better part of two months now.  From everywhere to…

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My Dying Love For a Serial Killer

Like most passionate, long-term relationships, my love affair with Dexter evolved along a well-worn, familiar path.  At first, there was merely curiosity.  A serial killer that’s the hero of a TV show?  Intriguing.  I casually checked out a few episodes and immediately liked the show.  And really, what’s not to like?  Dexter is young, smart,…

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American Horror Story – A Triumph of Style v. Substance

Immaculately timed for an October release, American Horror Story promised audiences to be unlike anything they’ve ever seen.  At the time, I remember thinking those were some mighty big words coming from the same people who brought us Glee, and who also helped promote AHS as the new “psychosexual thriller” to watch this season.  The…

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