Battleworld Battleworld
BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD WEEK FIVE PREVIEW ROUND ONEBATTLE FOURTEEN WEIRDWORLD #1 Writer: Aaron, Jason Artist: Mundo, Mike Del Cover Artist: Mundo, Mike Del * Welcome to the wildest, most dangerous new corner of the Marvel Universe. Welcome to Weirdworld. * A world of swords and sorcery and strange, perverted science. A world where one barbarian walks…
ROUND 1, BATTLE 14 Follow the bracket here! MRS. DEADPOOL AND THE HOWLING COMMANDOS VS MARVEL ZOMBIES Ah, I love the smell of parallel issues in the morning. And I love the scent of sandalwood at night. And a nice barbeque mesquite in the afternoon. I could go on and on about the corresponding scents…
BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD ROUND 1, BATTLE 13 Follow the bracket here! 1602 WITCH HUNTER ANGELA VS YEARS OF FUTURE PAST You guys, Battleworld Battleworld is getting insane! On the lucky 13th battle of this crazy shit, one book will reign supreme while the other will spend its time licking wounds inflicted by the cruel hand of…
BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD ROUND 1, BATTLE 12 Follow the bracket here! CAPTAIN MARVEL AND THE CAROL CORPS VS GHOST RACERS Secret Wars seems like it has spent the last month or so teetering on saying something. It doesn’t have to say anything; it’s a mainstream comic book released in the summer. This isn’t to say…
BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD ROUND 2, BATTLE 2 Follow the bracket here! SECRET WARS: BATTLEWORLD #2 VS ULTIMATE END #2 Secret Wars: Battleworld reads a lot like Marvel’s old “What If?” series. Each issue features two short arcs about a different wacky result of Battleworld’s existence. Simply put, Secret Wars: Battleworld is what it’s like when worlds collide. M.O.D.O.K. summons…
BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD WEEK FOUR PREVIEW ROUND TWOBATTLE TWO SECRET WARS: BATTLEWORLD #1-2 DAVID WALKER and DONNY CATES (w) JJ KIRBY and MARCO TURINI (a) – BLADE is on the trail of the dreaded Count Drakula, but not if HOWARD THE DUCK has something to say about it! (Spoiler: He Does!) – Rising star David Walker…
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BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD Round 1 fight 10 See the bracket here! Giant Little Sized Marvel Vs X-tinction Agenda I thought of only one thing when I heard of the first comic in this battle: Giant Little Sized Marvel is an exercise in the ridiculous. A comic book starring Marvel characters as children? The…
BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD ROUND 1, BATTLE 8 FOLLOW THE BRACKET HERE! Where Monsters Dwell vs The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew your Vows ***WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK*** Where Monsters Dwell has features a hero who is half Indiana Jones and half Rick Blaine. We meet Flying Ace Karl Kaufmann somewhere in the Pacific…
BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD WEEK TWO PREVIEW ROUND ONEBATTLE EIGHT WHERE MONSTERS DWELL #1 GARTH ENNIS (w) – RUSS BRAUN (a) Cover by FRANK CHO VARIANT COVER BY ALEX MALEEV – GARTH ENNIS returns to Marvel Comics proper and he’s bringing his The Boys collaborator Russ Braun along with him! Fighter planes and dinosaurs collide in this…
BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD ROUND 1, BATTLE 7 Follow the bracket here! SECRET WARS 2099 #1 VS SECRET WARS JOURNAL #1 In this battle, we once again have 2 books playing in parallel sandboxes. With Secret Wars 2099, David and party are expanding the 2099 universe in scope and characters from what we saw in its initial run…
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