Freaks and Drinks

Freaks and Geeks Episode IX: We’ve Got Spirit


or Sam-I-Am a Mascot

In this very special episode of Freaks and Geeks Daniel, Ken and Kim learn the meaning of school spirit and Neil shines as the school’s mascot. In many ways episodes nine is a part two to episode eight. The relationship between Nick and Lindsay that started in the last episode comes full circle, and Sam’s relationship with Cindy continues to not be something more than friendship.


Every week I’m surprised who I see. The side characters on this show is a who’s who of actors working today. We’ve already seen major players like Lizzy Caplan, Jason Schwartzman, Ben Foster and now we can add Shia Labeouf to that list as the mascot who sustains a concussion when the table he is standing on breaks beneath him. Neil says of him, “He can’t even fall funny!”


Neil’s trajectory through the show is as a comedy fundamentalist. When this kind of thing happens it makes me wonder how much the writers personal views are bleeding through to the characters. Neil is like a mini Groucho Marx who is appalled by the school mascot’s lack of schtick, pointing out all the wasted opportunities for comedy. He and the rest of the cast are developing their characters quite well. It’s an important balance between character and caricature, but as a viewer I really bought into Neil passion for being funny. I’ve been noticing this past couple episodes, the cast and writers have really hit a stride in the middle of the season. Even the side stories that are there to fill out the time don’t feel like side stories. This is the week of the big game and Daniel, Kim and Ken go from having a slacker disdain for school spirit to being the loudest cheerleaders at the game. The writers have really given their actors agency to move around in a way that makes sense to who the characters are.

Now for some rules:

Here are your rules:

  • Drink whenever Vicky is a bitch.

  • Drink whenever Cindy mentions Todd.

  • When the Lebeouf is on screen, the last person to say, “sucker punch” drinks.

  • Drink whenever Nick says, “poems”

  • Do the funky chicken when Sam does, or else take a drink.


Series Long Rules

  • Drink whenever Mr. Weir tells a story that is meant to be a cautionary tale. Drink two if someone dies.

  • Drink when the family is sitting down to dinner.

  • Drink whenever Sam and Cindy are in the same scene together.

  • Drink whenever Kim Kelly is being a bitch.


-Stephanie Rose