Hey You Know What You Should Do


In which we tell you about awesome things that you must look into and enjoy.

Solve All 55 Lego Puzzles!


In celebration of its 55th birthday the good people at Lego have commissioned 55 visual puzzles from the creative agency Brad. The minimalist posters are each meant to represent a song, band, movie or children’s story using only Lego bricks and occasionally a few lines or a simple image.  Some are straight-forward and easy, others are more abstract and difficult.  I certainly couldn’t solve all of them and I write for a pop culture website. If you enjoy puzzles, minimalist art, pop culture or some combination of the three check ’em out.-SB


Morning Glories


Morning Glories is like a better-scripted lost full of sexy teenagers.  It…kind of brings out some things in me that I’m not very comfortable with.  Still, if you’re trying to fill a Lost-sized hole in your heart I suggest you give this comic book a shot.  Or even if you thought Lost sucked, because so far Morning Glories is way better.  The problem with Lost is that it was on ABC, and that ABC owned it.  When the folks behind Lost wanted to pack it in after three seasons ABC told them ‘no’ because even they knew they had the most mediocre network TV lineup of all time.  Morning Glories isn’t like that.  It’s published by Image Comics and I don’t want to get all punk rock on you but that means the people who created it own it, just the way it should be.  Nick Spencer can end this whenever he wants and do whatever he wants to it until then as long as enough people read it.  You should be one of those people.-DT