Hey, You Know What You Should Do?

Hey, You Know What You Should Do?

In which we tell you about awesome things that you must look into and enjoy.


Learn how to play a musical instrument.

Have you ever been listening to a band and thought, “Hey, I could do that way better!”? Well, unless you know how to play a musical instrument, you are absolutely wrong captain turdhat. Learning how to play a musical instrument is one of the most productive activities a human being can participate in. It stimulates your mind creatively and can help you apply focus to other areas of your life. Knowing how to play an instrument can oftentimes give you a deeper appreciation for an art form you already thought you loved. And if you stick with it and learn how to write music, your appreciation for the art form will only increase. If everyone in American knew how to play music, “bands” like Nickleback and Creed would have been laughed into suicide ages ago. So please, go learn how to play and make music. The world will be a better place. Oh, and you’ll get laid. A lot. – JRN
Watch Dr. Who

You should really check out Doctor Who. Not the original, because let’s face it everything from the sixties and seventies sucks. Well maybe not entirely but special effects certainly did and in a science fiction show based on space battles and monsters that go bump in the night you just can’t take it seriously if you’re too busy laughing at the retard in the silver unitard with the colander on his head trying to destroy the world.  In 2005 the BBC classic was rebooted for a new generation of geeks raised in the CG era who expect a little realism from their fantastical creatures. 

And it’s brilliant! Doctor Who combines science fiction, mythology, and history through a decidedly creepy point of view that the British wield with unabashed fervor to tap into that base part of the human brain where fear lives.  It’s comedic but with enough depth and death to keep out of the realm of children’s programming. The show follows The Doctor, a Time Lord who travels through space and, well obviously time, saving the world again and again.  He is always accompanied by a human companion, a fish out of water archetype for the audience to relate to and journey with whether it’s to an alien planet at the end of the universe or to meet Shakespeare at the Globe.

It’s generally a freak of week format with a new destination and a new big bad to battle every week. However there are a handful of story arcs within each season and sometimes trough seasons past in the messy, alternate-timeline style that so plagues the time travel genre. One complaint —they are too damn enthralled with London. Sure World War II during the Blitz is intriguing as is Queen Victoria, but with all of time and space available to traipse through the British are just a bit narcissistic to believe they would so fascinate an alien to return at every major historical event.  But then the British have always considered themselves to be the center of the universe. -AS