Movie of the Year 2018 – Annihilation

Movie of the Year 2018:


The Taste Buds review the 2018 movie, Annihilation! Mike is Greg; some guy named Survivor Phil is Mike; thankfully, Ryan is still just Ryan. But isn’t everyone being someone else perfect for a movie where people sorta become one another, or become weird animal-human hybrids? How did the gang respond to the eerie sci-fi stylings? Did the lack of any true answers bum them out, or get them all fired up? Will Mike handle the Drop Pad, or will he fall to pieces, overawed by Greg’s mastery of the device? All of that, and so much more, on Movie of the Year: Annihilation! 

Plus: The Mt. Rushmore of 2018 music and Trivia!


Follow Survivor Phil and check out his show, the Survivor Specialists!