DC NEW 52 Wrap Rap: Part 2

In which we wrap the rap up!   RH: If in a month, or six months, or a year, sales are exactly back to what they were, is this a total failure? Or did the line need a shot in the arm anyway? How much regret do you foresee DC feeling at some point down…

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DC NEW 52 Wrap Rap: Part 1

In which Mike and Ryan rap the wrap up of  the DC reboot’s first month.     Ryan Haley: Hey. Mike Gravagno: Hi! RH: So, we’re done. PHEW! Right? MG: I feel ten years older. RH: We have both officially read all 52 number one issues in the DC “reboot”, which, for the purposes of…

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WEEK FIVE ALL STAR WESTERN If you are using the DCnU launch to get into comics for the first time, or get back into comics after a long time off, than you might be confused as to why DC would base a comic on one of the biggest flops in film history. If you were…

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POP FILTER VS. ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST SPOILER ALERT: I’m going to spoil the ending of the movie in this write up so watch it beforehand if you care about such things.  When I started watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest I realized that I had seen at least the beginning before…

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FALL TV EXTRAVAGANZA!!!   PRIME SUSPECT **1/2 (out of ****) Maria Bello take over for Helen Mirren, something no actress wants to do unless we’re talking about a prequel to Red, in Prime Suspect. In it, she plays New York detective Jane Timoney. I know what you’re thinking: Maria is a girl’s name! Jane is…

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WEEK FOUR BATMAN So far, almost every great book that has come out of the DC relaunch has been a little “underground”, for lack of a better term. The B-level, or lesser known, characters have been given to the writers that are a little more out there, or aren’t afraid to take chances. These are…

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FLICKCHART’S GREATEST BATTLES! In which we pit two movies together using flickchart.com, debating their merits or lack thereof. ROUND 1: THE DARK KNIGHT VS. INCEPTION FIGHT! Memories sure are a funny thing. The funny thing about memories is that they are all bullshit lies. If you don’t believe me go look up all the girls…

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Hidden Gems: Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.

  What is it?: Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.  is a hilarious piss take on the superhero genre brought to us by my favorite angry Brit and yours: Warren Ellis.  The series followed the exploits of the Nextwave team comprised of Z-list Marvel characters like Monica Rambeau, Tabitha Smith, Machine Man, Elsa Bloodstone and the Captain,…

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THE POP FILTER TOP TEN CREEPIEST HERO/SIDEKICK RELATIONSHIPS   10-Booster Gold and Skeets So let me get this straight.  Skeets is a robot from the future armed with centuries of knowledge about human events and yet he somehow doesn’t know that he’s named after a cum shot?  There’s no way that’s logical, so it’s pretty clear that…

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DC the New 52: Week Three

WEEK THREE   BATMAN AND ROBIN #1 One of the most intriguing parts of this whole reboot is what events and actions DC decided to keep, and what they’ve discarded. There’s not a map of the new DC Universe out there, so we have to figure out on our own from the little bread crumbs…

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