Kerri Battles the AFI’s Top 100 – #68: Unforgiven

Intending to post about it last Thursday, I watched this movie almost two weeks ago. Unfortunately, I was so ill last week that I could no longer brain. My illness had given me the dumb and I was incapable of stringing together coherent thoughts, let alone sentences. When this weekend rolled around and I found…

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THE POP FILTER TOP TEN BLAST FROM THE PAST: We at YourPopFilter are aware how intimidating it can be to wade your way through years of back content. And we’re aware the viewership is growing all the time (thanks for that bt dubs!). So every once in awhile we’ll pull something from the murky past and…

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The 2014 PopFilter New Fall TV Challenge

Round 3   JANE THE VIRGIN VS THE AFFAIR   When the writers at the PopFilter headquarters, or the hosts of the various PopFilter podcasts, have to review a television show based only on the pilot they form an opinion filled with caveats and asterisks. There’s no way of knowing what changes the show will…

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Kerri Battles the AFI’s Top 100 — #79: The Wild Bunch

Each week, I try to do as little research or reading up on the film I’m about to watch prior to viewing it because I like to go in with a completely open mind. I usually glance at the runtime and basic credits on IMDb, but that doesn’t often give much away. However, the moment…

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The PopFilter 2014 New Fall TV Challenge

Round 3 GOTHAM VS  TIM AND ERIC’S BEDTIME STORIES   Follow the action at Gotham and Tim and Eric’s Bedtime Stories put their audiences through many of the same experiences, despite the two shows having almost nothing in common. Having now watched three episodes of each, I have spent the viewing time feeling anxious, nauseated,…

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Kerri Battles the AFI’s Top 100 — #81: Spartacus

After a two week vacation in Ireland followed immediately upon my return by the wedding celebration of friends, I think it’s a fair argument to say that I was maybe not quite full of the necessary energy or sobriety needed to consume an almost three and a half hour long Roman epic directed by Stanley…

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TOP TEN – MOVIES THAT DEFINE SUMMER   STAND BY ME (1986) The very best summer movies explore what kind of hijinks kids used to get into when they had an entire season of freedom stretched out ahead of them. You think a group of 12-year-olds could go have an amazing adolescent journey of self-discovery…

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Kerri Battles the AFI’s Top 100 – #94: Pulp Fiction

1994 was a pretty big year in Hollywood. That was the year that all of your all-time favorite movies were released. It was the year that Andy Dufresne taught us all that hope will set us free. It was the year we all learned that life is like a box of chocolates. Brandon Lee came…

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