Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Takes Off


Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

The Taste Buds review the first three episodes of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, and the Hobgoblin Saga from Spider-Man: The Animated Series!

The Superhero Show Show #510

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Takes Off

On an all-new, all-different episode of The Superhero Show Show, Cassie and the Boyz are kicking off their coverage of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. Last week they previewed the first episode, but this week they take a deep dive on episode two and three, and are doing a slow watch all December long!

On the second episode, the gang goes to Scott’s funeral, and everyone is treated to a performance by Scott’s ex-girlfriend Envy Adams. But Ramona has heard Scott’s voice in the Dream world, and knows he’s still alive. Meanwhile, Matthew Patel, aka killer of Scott, has decided that he wants to take over the League of Evil Exes!

In the third episode, Ramona is attacked by Roxie at a video store, but then they kind of just chill.

Join the Taste Buds as they discuss who is winning the show so far, who is the best fighter, and whether or not the changes from the movie are helping or hurting the show!

No Pull List this week, as everyone is shutting it down for Christmas, so that gives us a double dose of Spider-Man: The Animated Series!

With New York City under siege by dozens of super-villains, including Wilson Fisk, Smythe, Norman Osborne and more, leave it to a young man named Hobgoblin to fly in and make everything worse! It’s up to Spider-Man to stop them all, but with the amount of back-stabbing they’re all doing to each other, maybe Spider-Man can let them defeat themselves!

All of that, and not much more, on an all-new episode of the Superhero Show Show!




Watch Scott Pilgrim Takes Off on Netflix

An eclectic crowd of familiar faces gather under unusual circumstances. Elsewhere, the League of Evil Exes meets up at a secret lair.

For more podcasts about Scott Pilgrim, check out The TV Dudes!


Watch Scott Pilgrim Takes Off on Netflix

Motivated by a dream, Ramona follows a hunch and confides in a receptive Julie. At a video rental store, a tense run-in with Roxie fuels big feelings.


Watch Spider-Man: The Animated Series on Disney Plus

Norman Osborn hires a bad dude, known as the Hobgoblin, to kill the Kingpin. But the Hobgoblin plans to use Osborn and Kingpin’s rivalry to his own advantage.


The Hobgoblin takes over the Kingpin’s empire. Now Osborn and the Kingpin plan to use Spider-Man to take the goblin down.

Looking for another SMTAS podcast? Check out the Spider-Man: The Animated Series Podcast here!