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Meeting Evil

* (out of ****)

Meeting Evil took two of my favorite actors, Luke Wilson and Samuel L. Jackson and put them in a movie that is almost indescribably bad that it’s going to be very hard to write this review. Meeting Evil is about a man named John, who recently lost his job, was about to lose his house, and was losing his family.  He meets up with a man named Richie (played by Samuel L. Jackson) who begins to drive John around and begins killing everyone he sees. After John get blamed for the murders, Richie continues his killing streak, and proves John’s innocence. The climax of the movie, Richie comes to John’s house disguised as a police officer and tries to kill his family. I won’t spoil the ending, not that there’s much to spoil but in the end everything goes wrong.

I promise nothing…

The problem with this movie and many horror movies like it was that it had a little too much of everything, and not enough consistency. For example, throughout the movie you’re unsure if Richie is actually real or just a reincarnation of John’s imagination, because within the first twenty minutes of the movie Richie interacts with no one but John, but instead of following through with that thought process in the movie Richie does begin to talk with a female character in the movie in front of John. Then when John gets captured by the police and begins to get accused for these murders, no one at first corroborates with his story, again leading you to believe that maybe John made all of this up because of the stress he was put under with his job and his payments and everything. End of the line is there was no consistency within the movie and it just made for bad movie watching, it always left me asking for more when there wasn’t.

it could have been this movie but much much worse….

I talked earlier about how I truly enjoy Luke Wilson and Samuel L. Jackson, one because  they are both very good yet under rated actors, two they were screwed in this movie with their acting potential. I’d like to state that Luke Wilson is one of the most under rated actors in Hollywood. Unfortunately he’s always being overshadowed by his older brother Owen Wilson. Luke Wilson always takes the roles that nobody else wants and sells them like a freaking god. Ok on a side note Idiocracy is one of my favorite comedies of all time and solely because Luke Freaking Wilson took that part and believed he was the smartest man on Earth and created a wonderful performance from a B rate script. That’s what he does and hes very good at it. Unfortunately with this movie, they gave him a script that wsa practically unusable and told him “good luck, have fun with what you got,” and while he was my favorite part of the movie, there was too much bad to uncover the good hiding in the ball of crap that’s Meeting Evil.

While there are some good moments in the movie and some very interesting themes that were put in front of you, none of it made up for the bad cinematography and script that was created for this movie. For example there was an amazing scene where John’s wife is being interrogated by the police to find out the whereabouts of her husband, after the police start putting the heat on her, she calmly covers her sons ears and lets the police officer have it about how she’s a skank and how she has no right to come in here and accuse her family and her husband, after she calmly uncovers her sons ears and asks the police officer to have a nice day. When the officer asks her why she covered her son’s ears and not her daughters she calmly replies, “I want my daughter to be able to stand up for herself, and her son to be able to treat women like they deserve.” That is just great script writing altogether, and while those moments in this movie are few and far between, it still makes for a barely decent movie.

I do the best i can with what i’m given, hey its a livin’…


Meeting Evil is a movie about finding who you are in desperate moments, and the people we need to be not the people we become. While it was a very entertaining movie, it’s definitely not a worthwhile watch.