BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD ROUND 1, BATTLE 15 Follow the bracket here! THORS VS SQUADRON SINISTER Holy fuck! Another battle in the Battleworld Battleworld bracket and this shit is getting even crazier. This particular battle sees Thors (an hilarious new sitcom coming to NBC this Fall) and Squadron Sinister (a slightly less hilarious sitcom) go head to head…

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ROUND 1, BATTLE 14 Follow the bracket here! MRS. DEADPOOL AND THE HOWLING COMMANDOS VS MARVEL ZOMBIES Ah, I love the smell of parallel issues in the morning. And I love the scent of sandalwood at night. And a nice barbeque mesquite in the afternoon. I could go on and on about the corresponding scents…

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BATTLEWORLDBATTLEWORLD ROUND 1, BATTLE 7 Follow the bracket here! SECRET WARS 2099 #1 VS SECRET WARS JOURNAL #1 In this battle, we once again have 2 books playing in parallel sandboxes. With Secret Wars 2099, David and party are expanding the 2099 universe in scope and characters from what we saw in its initial run…

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BATTLEWORLD BATTLEWORLD PopFilter’s giant summer event begins here!!! The biggest pop culture event of the summer has already happened, as earlier this month the Avengers pulled together and somehow beat Ultron, something that I’m sure shocked us all. It was big and dumb and awesome. It promised to change the status quo, but then forgot…

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