Movie of the Year: 1984 – Gremlins (with Nate Ragolia!)

Movie of the Year: 1984 Gremlins (with Nate) Can Gremlins transform into our 1984 Movie of the Year? Picture a Gremlin. I’ll wait. OK, so what you pictured was a Mogwai, which is why it’s so important that we made this episode to help remind people of the particulars of Gremlins and the rules and such.…

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Movie of the Year: 1985 – The Goonies

an image from goonies

Movie of the Year: 1985 The Goonies The Taste Buds discuss 1985’s VHS babysitter, The Goonies! Perhaps no other movie of the 1980s captured what it was to be, in that time or an other, a Goonie. Goony? I don’t know how to do just one of them. That actually kind of works with the…

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