Posts Tagged ‘trask’
The OCD 37: The OC Mix 2, Part II
THE OCD 37: THE OC MIX 2, PART II Mike and Ryan finish their review of The OC Mix 2! Mike and Ryan are still on the hunt for the perfect The OC soundtrack, and The OC Mix 2 might have what it takes. Tune in to the second half of their journey to find out if they have…
Read MoreThe OCD 36: The OC Mix 2
THE OCD 36: THE OC MIX 2 Mike and Ryan review the second volume of The OC soundtrack. Sill so, so hesitant to begin the watching the second season of The OC – for essentially unknown reasons – Mike and Ryan go on a different tangent with the second volume of The OC Mix series. They answer the hard-hitting questions about…
Read MoreThe OCD 35: Season One Special Features Part 2
THE OCD 35: SEASON ONE SPECIAL FEATURES, PT. 2 THE OC UNSEEN and THE REAL OC Mike and Ryan continue their discussion of the season 1 special features. On this week’s episode, Mike and Ryan follow a supercool McG around Orange County, discussing all of the places he was picked on when he was a…
Read MoreThe OCD 34: Season One Special Features, Part 1
THE OCD 33: SEASON ONE SPECIAL FEATURES, PT. 1 CASTING THE OC and THE MUSIC OF THE OC Mike and Ryan discuss the first two special features on the Season 1 DVD of The OC! Desperate to keep the first season of The OC in their lives as long as possible, Mike and Ryan find a DVD copy…
Read MoreThe OCD 33: Caleb and Julie’s Wedding Part 2
THE OCD 33: CALEB AND JULIE’S WEDDING: PART 2 On this episode of The OCD, Mike and Ryan finish discussing the first season finale of The OC! Surprising no one, Mike and Ryan couldn’t contain Caleb and Julie’s wedding into one episode. It’s most likely because of the toasts. Caleb specifically asked both Ryan and Mike to keep their…
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THE OCD 32: CALEB AND JULIE’S WEDDING Mike and Ryan review episode 127 of The OC, The Ties That Bind! On a very special episode of The OCD, Mike and Ryan marry, and Taylor moves into their new mansion. Meanwhile, Greg asks Mike to move to Chino with him to look after their baby. Upon finding out that Mike…
THE OCD 31: THE VEGAS POKER GAME Mike and Ryan discuss the 26th episode of The OC! The PopFilter men set out to Las Vegas for a bachelor party! But they soon learn that Mike has double-crossed them over financing their podcast studio. Meanwhile, Ryan throws a different bachelor party for Mike, one that is filled with…
THE OCD 30: THE WEDDING SHOWER Mike and Ryan review The OC episode The Shower! Everyone is still reacting to the surprise engagement of Ryan and Mike. Taylor is shocked, and a little burdened, to find out he’s been asked to be Ryan’s maid of honor. Taylor and Greg end up in charge of throwing Ryan’s wedding shower, and…
Read MoreThe OCD Episode 27: Luna Chicks
THE OCD 27: LUNA CHICKS Mike and Ryan review the 22nd episode of The OC, The L.A! On a very special episode of The OCD, Ryan and Mike run into Taylor, the star of Mike’s favorite podcast The Super Hero Hour Hour. He invites them and their friends to a party in Los Angeles, and they accept. Meanwhile, Ryan and Mike…
Read MoreThe OCD Wishes You a Happy Chrismakuhgiving!
THE OCD Wishes You a Happy Chrismakuhgiving! Mike and Ryan are taking this Thursday off to go and try to find families that will love them and feed them. Enjoy your day off, and tune in next week, because we’re heading from the O.C. to the L.A. And in two weeks, the Nana is…
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