Movie of the Year: 1991 – Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Bonus Episode)

Movie of the Year: 1991

Bonus Episode – Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

Just because Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves can’t win Movie of the Year doesn’t mean it can’t change your life

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is about stealing. At its heart, it explores the deep impulses inside each of us to throw off the trappings of the civilized world and give in to the desire to take what isn’t ours, but that which should also not belong to the elites who don’t need it, can’t find any use for it, but know they will die if they lose even an iota of it.

Also Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves explores our deep ambivalence to location and period appropriate accents, which, sure, seem nice, but can be a real drag to commit to for an entire movie. Especially when actors can give the occasional wisp of an accent to remind us that this all takes place in merry old England, back before we knew it was wrong to launch holy wars against far flung neighbors whose only crime was worshipping a different-yet-still-pretty-goofy god to ours.

Now we know we shouldn’t do that, and so we make sure we have cooked up some really flimsy reasoning for why we have to go and plunder the homes of poors from around the global bend. It’s the decent thing to do and the west is committed to the appearance of such things. The real problem starts when your king is off having the absolute time of his life and some local-slash-loco sheriff starts getting up in people’s biz. That’s when it becomes a big yikes for all involved. And that’s where we start our tale…

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