Show: Movie of the Year
Blog Posts from the Movie of the Year
Movie of the Year: 1991 Boyz n the Hood Will Boyz n the Hood be the 1991 Movie of the Year? This week the Taste Buds tackle John Singleton’s Boyz n the Hood, film full of debuts, nuance, tragedy, and the natural rhythms of real life. In a way, it bears more in common with the films of…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 1991 Barton Fink Can Barton Fink write his way to the 1991 Movie of the Year? The Tastebuds have quite an odd movie on our hands with this one. Barton Fink is our first Coen Brothers’ movie, but it is hardly the typical Co-Bro fair. Barton Fink is a young, successful…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 1991 Premiere Part 2 Which of these 1991 movies will be the Movie of the Year? We are back with even more bracket to help us pick the movies for the 1991 season of Movie of the Year! Silence of the Lambs, Boyz n the Hood, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves,…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 1975 3 Days of the Condor Movie of the Year discusses 1975’s spy thriller 3 Days of the Condor! 3 Days of the Condor is a movie before its time in many ways. Starring a young, pre-Presidential, Robert Redford as a CIA agent who specializes in reading books to see if…
Read MorePop Filter: A Decade of Excellence Mix Tape of the Decade YourPopFilter celebrates 11 years of podcasts by creating the mix tape of the decade! Behind all out amazing success of the last decade, there was always a song playing or a beat dropping. We came to see this music as the soundtrack to our…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 1975 Shampoo Movie of the Year discusses 1975’s Shampoo! Shampoo is one of those movies they only made for a brief period in the 70s where people just sort of mill around in luxury and go through the motions of decadent life while never really getting to enjoy any of that…
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