Movie of Year: 1991 – A New Season Begins

Movie of the Year: 1991

A New Season Begins

Movie of the Year begins the long journey of picking the 1991 Movie of the Year!

1991 is amazing because that is when everyone everywhere was 10-years-old and the world was still something to be excited about. Sure, it was a changing place, but it was changing for the better. We had won the cold war and our way of life emerged victorious and unchallenged. And oh were there movies! Movies about how if robots were going to try to kill us, they might also try to save us. Movies about how the real weirdos aren’t the killers who live down the street and dig up their relatives for fun, but instead the scammers and liars who try to steal those weirdos’ fortunes by pretending to be their long lost family member.

And of course films about backdraft.

We start with a field of 64 movies and we get cutting and keep cutting until we have only 16 left. We’ll reduce that 16 to the Elite Eight next week. That means in this episode alone you will hear nearly 50 movies get das boot. Many of these movies we will never mention again, but some of the cuts on this episode are truly painful, including the one I gave myself trying to get into a can of beans.

It was a magical time full of promise and wonder and we have to go back. Something went wrong and now we’re thirty years removed from ’91 and things have gotten doinked in the worst possible way. All of that, and somehow more, on an all-new Movie of the Year!

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