In which we slay the things others hold dear.


The Office, Dwight, Jim, Pam, Michael Scott, Ryan, BJ Novak, Rainn Wilson, Jenna Fischer, Steve Carrel


It’s tough watching your friends get older. They stop partying so much, they get married, they get a little less funny. That’s why it’s best to replace all your friends every few years with some new ones. Then you don’t have to watch them change too much or get sick of them. Sure we like to see our friends grow but there are limits to that shit. For these same reasons, too much of a good thing can become an annoying thing on TV and The Office has crossed that line. It’s fun to watch Jim and Pam flirt and then finally hook up but now they’re married with a kid? Fuck that business. If I wanted to listen to people talk about their kids I would do that instead of watching TV in the first place. TV shows are supposed to grow old and die just like the rest of us and just like the rest of us some of them hang around for way too long and piss me off. I do understand though. It’s hard to create something original these days. That’s why when you do find something original, its best to do it over and over again. Then you can squeeze the most possible originality out of it. As much as I love all the characters in The Office I’ve seen them do the same things over and over enough that I’m officially sick of them. Now I just watch Parks & Rec.-DT
Jay Z


I KNOW I am in the minority on this one, but fuck Jay-Z.  Aside from taking my beloved Beyonce Knowles off the market, he has been the frontrunner in the rap-for-profit game that makes a crapload of only slightly distinguishable songs, marketing them spectacularly, making them into hits.  While I enjoy his producing abilities, his rapping puts me to sleep.  His retirement sideshows made for a lousy retirement, some more mediocre music, and a LOT of paychecks.  I’m not hating on the man for his success, merely questioning it.  In addition, Jay-Z’s raps made it possible for Danger Mouse to make the Grey Album, combining the Beatles music with Jay-Z’s vocals.  I am a fan of this kind of artistic pairing, but it came off as really bland to me, like Jay-Z was making this awesome Beatles soundscape monotonous.  Danger Mouse would’ve been better off using Metallica’s Black Album as instrumentals with Beatles vocals…maybe adding Jay-Z’s beats to make an Oreo cookie album.  I digress, but my point remains: Jay-Z’s rapping is mundane.  Stick to the boardroom.-LF