Fuck That Calf!

Fuck That Calf!

In which we slay the things others hold dear.



I’m bored just thinking of how to explain to you why this band bores me. They just do. They have no grit, nothing to chomp on. They’re like those fashion models from the mid-80’s that were so pretty they were plain. I think the word is over-produced.

I have (involuntarily) heard a few of their albums, because my best friend’s father was a fan when I was growing up, and he’d play them on Saturdays when I was over at their house. My first reaction when I heard an album by them was “Ew,” and the sentiment holds to this day. U2 still makes me feel exactly how a little girl feels when her friend’s dad thinks he’s being cool.

Also, Bono seems like a top-notch douche.-KA






Monty Python
You know how most movies are more fun when you watch them with your friends? Then there are the movies that are immensely quotable and for some reason you made it all the way into your adult life without seeing.  People everywhere you go quote these movies. The thing is if you haven’t actually seen them people look at you like you’re a dumb-fuck.  I am not a dumb-fuck but I haven’t seen an entire goddamn Monty Python movie.  Quite frankly the clips I have seen remind me of children’s television.  Having seen their later career material, I like John Cleese a bunch and the other guys seem clever enough, but when I hear their Monty Python lines (as performed by themselves or other obnoxious people around the world), I have a sudden urge to stab my own neck with a pencil. If I hear one more person fancy themselves clever with a reference to “the knights who say ni” or some other such bullshit, I am going to send you to your own special hell where the devil will tape electrodes to your nipples and force you to watch Life of Brian and hit you with a hundred volts anytime you say one of the lines. Fuck Monty Python. Mel Brooks was better anyway.-LF