Movie of the Year: 1985 Horror – The Return of the Living Dead (feat. Alex from the Beyond the Void Podcast)

Movie of the Year: 1985 Horror

The Return of the Living Dead (feat. Alex from the Beyond the Void Podcast)

The Taste Buds continue working on the horror films of 1985 with The Return of the Living Dead!

On a very special episode of Movie of the Year, Ryan and Tompkins call in their good friend Alex, host of the podcast Beyond the Void, to come to the studio and help them break down The Return of the Living Dead! Beyond the Void is a horror movie podcast, so that makes Alex the perfect person to come and teach these fool Taste Buds how to discuss a movie. They’ll focus on the break of Dan O’Bannon and George Romero, and how their movies still speak to each other. They’ll also spend some time pitching their 2020 remakes of some 1985 horror films! All of that, and so much more, on an all-new Movie of the Year!

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