Freaks and Drinks

The Pilot Most of the time, pilots are visual sewage. It’s hard to get them right because pilots have a big job to do, and more often than not shows get tangled up in completing the basic tasks of a first episode of a series: presenting a world, introducing characters, setting a tone and general…

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Popfilter Goes to the Movies

After Earth I really don’t want to fucking talk about M Night Shyamalan anymore.  I don’t want to discuss what merit his older movies do or don’t have or talk about how shitty he is now.  There are no M Night Shyamalan defenders left.  There are only people like this: Hating Shyamalan is so popular…

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FUCK THAT CALF! In which we slay the things others hold dear.  XBOX 360 Let me preface this by saying that I have no issue with the few exclusive games on XBOX (more on that later).  I would love to play Halo 4, Gears of War, etc.  Unfortunately I won’t play these things for a…

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KUNG FU PANDA VS. BACK TO THE FUTURE PART III   It’s hard to remember a time in this country where Kung Fu Panda wasn’t one of the most highly regarded films, and pandas, of all time. It looked stupid at first, despite its panda-iness, but we all went anyway, and we fucking loved it.…

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FUCK THAT CALF! In which we slay things others hold dear.  XBOX 360 Let me preface this by saying that I have no issue with the few exclusive games on XBOX (more on that later).  I would love to play Halo 4, Gears of War, etc.  Unfortunately I won’t play these things for a long…

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The Thirst Games

The South Park Drinking Game             I met my best friend in the third grade; it was around the same time that South Park first premiered. What started as a show about four foul-mouthed third graders from a small town in Colorado has turned into a cultural revolution, and the basis for my friendship with…

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DOUBLEFISTED EDITION!!! In which two people review the new-to-DVD The Hunger Games, one who hasn’t read the books, and one who has. HAS NOT READ THE BOOKS: ** (out of ****) It’s becoming more and more clear just how big the hole is in the world of pop culture that was left by the ending…

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Hey, You Know What You Should Do?

HEY, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SHOULD DO? In which we tell you about awesome things that you must look into and enjoy. Watch Phineas and Ferb Now to answer your first question, yes this is a kids TV show. To answer your second question “why should I watch a kids TV show?” Phineas and Ferb…

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Defending the Indefensible

DEFENDING THE INDEFENSIBLE  In which Keith defends the things the whole world shits on.  MICHAEL BAY Poor, poor Mikey. Michael Bay has taken more abuse than Rihanna’s face from all ends of the spectrum.  He’s been called simplistic, derivative, racist, sexist, a rapist of childhoods, a harbinger of the death of film.  His very name…

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Popfilter Weekend Muvie Revue

Weekend Muvie Revue The Cabin in the Woods Fear has been scientifically proven to make you horny.  That’s why horror movies are still around, despite being the absolute worst.  Now that we’ve solved that riddle it’s still worth mentioning that they don’t have to be terrible.  All you have to do is treat them like…

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