Popfilter Weekend Muvie Revue

Weekend Muvie Revue The Hunger Games Spring is to movies what all of the 90’s were to music – absolutely terrible.  But they’re both almost over so cheer up.  The first legitimate movie event of the year opened last weekend and scored huge – it recorded the biggest opening day for a non-sequel of all…

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THE POP FILTER TOP TEN META MOVIES 10. AIRPLANE Aside from being perhaps the best comedy of all time, Airplane! is a “meta” masterpiece.  A nun, reading an actual ‘Boys Life’ magazine is followed by a boy reading a fictional ‘Nuns Life’ magazine.  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, a basketball player in real life, plays the co-pilot, who…

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Good-Pass Filter

It’s GRAMMY Time! (if you care) This Sunday, Feb 12, is the annual gathering of everyone in the music industry who is out of touch with the reality of most music fans.  Sounds fun, huh?  Think of it like the first 3 quarters of the super bowl, plus the boring parts of the halftime show,…

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SUCK MY DISC DVD releases for the week of January 10th, 2012 MONEYBALL ***1/2 (out of ****) The idea to turn Michael Lewis’ non-fiction book Moneyball into a movie is batshit insane. There’s almost no narrative, save for an unsatisfying conclusion. The main character, Billy Beane, is kind of a dick. And it is so…

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THE POP FILTER TOP TEN 2012 OFFERINGS YOU MAY NOT HAVE HEARD OF YET 10. MOONRISE KINGDOM I was one of the earliest Wes Anderson adopters I knew. Bottle Rocket was so weird and wonderful to me, and did things I didn’t know you could do in a comedy, or maybe it was funny in…

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Hidden Gems: Elves

Since this is my last article before Christmas I’m leaving you with some genuine Christmas cheer.  Enjoy. What is it?:  Elves is the delightful Christmas tale about a teenage girl who inadvertently allows an elf (singular) to rise from Hell or something.  This isn’t the delightful Will Ferrell type elf but a murderous demon troll…

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Good Pass Filter: Music w/ Less Suck

The end of the year means that every little website is making their “best album of 2011” lists and discussing the musical artists that “made it big” this year.  Well, you can read that shit anywhere. The year isn’t over. Plus, when it really comes down to it, the artistic flow that  brings us lovely…

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SUCK MY DISC The DVD releases for the week of December 5th, 2011     MR. POPPER’S PENGUINS ** (out of ****) Jim Carrey acting like a child is something we’ve all seen time and time again. However, this is most effective when he is acting like a child in a world meant to be…

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Hidden Gems: Sex Galaxy

What is it?:  Touted as the first “green” film, Sex Galaxy is a comedy that almost entirely consists of public domain footage.  The footage mostly comes from old B-movies and vintage erotica and it’s edited together to tell a cohesive story more or less.  The audio is all overdubbed as well to move the new…

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