Powers is gearing up for it’s season two finale, and the TasteBuds are here to discuss the penultimate table setting! Walker is back from his mountainous getaway/forced kidnapping with Supershock, while Deena hunts down the Ghost. Meanwhile, the slightly older than teen Titans try to figure out how to be heroes without a coach. Plus we get flashback from Walker’s previous life (but still no monkey scenes!). In an episode written entirely by comic creator Brian Michael Bendis, can Ryan and Mike resolve their negative feelings towards the Playstation Original? Only one way to find out!



The Reverend Anderson screams at the town that evil walks among them on Remembrance Day on Outcast!

Emily breaks bad and the Angels see a travel agent on Preacher!

Three’s heart grows…er….three sizes… damn it… as he runs into some old pals on Dark Matter!


Sharlto Copely