Movie of the Year: 1985 – Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters

Movie of the Year: 1985 Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters The Taste Buds discuss 1985’s most obscure movie, Mishima! Almost no one has heard of this movie. Outside of Japan most people don’t even know the incredible story of Yukio Mishima, the most famous Japanese author of his day, and his stranger-than-fiction life. Mishima…

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Movie of the Year: 1997 – GenreBlast

Movie of the Year: 1997 GenreBlast The Taste Buds choose the best 1997 movies of each genre! Genres, what would movies be without them? What would America be without them? Makes you think. So the next time someone says, “Hey, I don’t think genres are all that important.” You walk up to that man–you know…

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