Movie of the Year: 1997 – State of the Franchise

Movie of the Year: 1997 State of the Franchise Franchises, where would this country be without them? I tremble at a hypothetical so awesome in its utter enormity. I cannot gaze with my mind’s eye long upon the imagined hellscape that is an America Cinema devoid of prequels, sequels, and even squeak -quels. No, do…

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Flickchart’s Greatest Battles

FLICKCHART’S GREATEST BATTLES! In which we pit two movies together using, debating their merits or lack thereof. Toy Story vs. Terminator 2: Judgment Day FIGHT! My first instinct was Toy Story. But, I saw that once, liked it, and never considered watching it again. Terminator 2: Judgment Day is the only Terminator film I…

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