Pop Filter: A Decade of Excellence – TV Drama of the Decade

Pop Filter: A Decade of Excellence TV Drama of the Decade YourPopFilter celebrates 11 years of podcasts by choosing the best TV drama of the last decade! TV is movies right in your own living room. Especially the TV dramas of the last 11-year decade. Why a decade of eleven years? Well, counting is hard…

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POP FILTER EDITORIAL In which we step from behind the curtain to spout opinions.   Holding Out For A Hero* “Folks talk about morality like it’s black and white. Or maybe they think they’re smart and when they’re at a cocktail party acting pretentious they say it’s grey. But you know what it really is? A…

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The Thirst Games

Mad Men: The Drinking Game; or Why Punk Sucks                   Punk rock  is terrible.  Now, I’m not talking about the music alone, because though the vast majority of it is unlistenable garbage, there are some bands in that genre that are undeniably great. I grew up on a healthy diet of Green Day, The…

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