The Pinterest Drinking Game

We need another social media site like we need a hole in the head. I’m baffled by the insane growing popularity of Pinterest. For those not up on your social media, Pinterest allows users to create “pinboards” based on categories like “books I love”, “My Style”, “Favorite Products” and any other categories the user wants. The user can then “pin” pictures from the Internet to these boards, as well as “repin” other pictures people have pinned.

So, you mean an ONLINE PHOTO ALBUM?

Yes, that’s exactly what it is. Somehow, it’s been branded so that people see it as more. I have two theories about it:

1. People are getting dumber and can no longer deal with the written word. About ten years ago, blogs were the new thing. This encouraged people to express themselves in writing. Then, facebook status updates, twitter and tumblr came along as “microblogging” because writing lots of words was too much. Finally, with Pinterest, we’ve just given up on the writing portion altogether. Reading is too much!

2. It’s just another way to create an online identity that is more wishful thinking than realistic. If I load my pinboards with glamorous locales and runway fashions, it will make me look sophisticated, right? Or in my case, I’ll make a board displaying my very carefully curated pop culture items to show my followers how awesome I (think I) am.

Nevertheless, Pinterest is definitely a great time waster. For those of you who have browsed it only a few times, you probably start to see some trends. Some really really obnoxious trends. And here at Your Pop Filter, when we see trends, we think two words- DRINKING GAME!

So put on your comfy elastic pants of shame, cradles you laptop in one arm and your favorite hard liquor in the other, and start browsing.

Take a drink every time you see:

Unhappy, disinterested, or scared models. Because CARING how good one looks is SO lame.



Hideous DIY crafting

THINSPIRATION! Because nothing tastes as good as skinny feels! Am I right, ladies?


If you don’t look like this, you’re doing it wrong!

And then there’s the wedding porn….take shots every time you see quaint, overpriced wedding scenarios that no one ever in life would ever in their right mind spend money on. You’ll be drunk on the home page alone.

She looks absolutely thrilled. 

Still not getting your buzz? Sooner or later Jim Morrison (for guys) and Audrey Hepburn (for girls) will show up on a board called “inspirations.”

Finally, everyone has a “products they love’ pinboard. Take a shot every time you see some absolutely useless item that someone would by if they are trying to fill the huge seeping black hole in their soul with material items.

 Thank you Pinterest for more fodder to waste our time molding an online persona than actually living it! Bottoms up!