In which Ashley breaks down nerdier corners of pop culture.

This week I bring to you: Random things and websites from the Internet!

So, the Internet is pretty big. It seems like there’s a countless number of websites that kind of do the same thing. In order to cure boredom, people usually go to Facebook, Netflix, Pinterest, and other random websites. After using the Internet for 18 years, I think I can safely say I’m an expert (or an addict….same thing right?). Anyway, here are some awesome sites to keep you occupied when you’re not on YourPopFilter (shameless plug!).

Hola (not referring to the Spanish word for ‘hello’).
This is my most recent discovery. Hola is an extension for the Google Chrome and Firefox browsers and it allows you to access websites that a US person wouldn’t be able to access. For instance, I like to watch the show Sherlock.


Now, for those of you who like to watch British TV, you’re aware that my computer can’t watch new episodes of Sherlock online until they air in the US. Hola basically masks your computer as one that’s located in the UK, and voila! You can now access awesomeness. If you’re located in any other country besides the US, you can’t access Netflix, Hulu, or Pandora and Hola also works the opposite as well. There are other ways to do it, but Hola is definitely the easiest and most user-friendly.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee (
This website is great for a mini webisode (whatever that means) and also very entertaining. Jerry Seinfeld takes comedians out on the town for coffee/food, and interviews them. It combines my two favorite things: comedy and food.


Scouting NY (

This guy works as a movie location scout and documents every place and cool street sign he’s seen. He even lists out where certain movies were filmed in NYC. This offers a really neat perspective on the already famous city.

Stumbleupon (
Stumbleupon is probably just as well known as Reddit, but this is definitely my go-to site if I’m boredom. It works just like Pinterest except you can pick from one or multiple categories to “stumble” through. Definitely made for people with A.D.D.


SciFi Stack Exchange (

Ok this is like the Holy Grail of nerds. If you ever have a science fiction or fantasy question to ask, this is the place to do so. Even if you don’t have questions to post, just browsing will provide you with hours of entertainment.


This is Why I’m Broke (

Everything cool in the world exists on this website. It’s like Sky Mall, except nerdier. Where else can you find cupcake toothpaste, a replica DeLorean, and caffeinated bacon energy waffles??

Seriously, try to go find a gift for someone on this site and you will end up buying that Smelloscope you always wanted as a child.

9gag (
This is the website to solve all your meme problems. It’s a collection of memes, GIFs and other random nerdy eye-goodies. They even have a viral video page. AND a cosplay page. 9gag is probably the best place to just sit and brain-drain for hours.

So there you have it. I have enabled you to lose countless hours of your life to peruse random websites in order to cure boredom.

Later Nerds! – AK