Show: Movie of the Year
Blog Posts from the Movie of the Year
Movie of the Year: 2020 Soul The Taste Buds discuss 2020’s best animated feature-length film, Soul! The TasteBudz love Pixar, music, Jamie Foxx, and Tina Fey, but these are never combined all in one movie. But what if I told you shut up they are and it’s in this movie, Soul? Soul looks great on…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2020 State of the Franchise The Taste Buds discuss 2020’s franchises! The TasteBudz are talking about the most important thing in all of our lives: movie franchises. We are talking Trolls, Wonders Women, Pixar movies, Covid). Kate joins us to drop some of that Movies I’d Like To Fix energy. But…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2020 Nomadland The Taste Buds discuss 2020’s Best Picture winner, Nomadland! The TasteBudz are about as hyped as we have ever been because we are talking about 2020 Best Picture, Nomadland. Did we know it was the best picture at the time? No. Do we care that it has since won…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2020 I’m Thinking of Ending Things…Again The Taste Buds continue working on 2020 with I’m Thinking of Ending Things! On a very special episode of Movie of the Year, Mike and Ryan call in their good friend Christina Barsi, owner of Avant Haus Media, to come to the studio and help them…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2020 Lovers Rock The Taste Buds discuss 2020’s best house party, Lovers Rock! The TasteBudz go to a party no one can get mad at you for attending because it took place 50 years ago! We hear at the Pop Shop can’t ever decide if lovers rock or not, which is…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2020 GenreBlast The Taste Buds discuss 2020’s genre films in GenreBlast! The Taste Buds brought Kate back, and, frankly, we don’t want a lot of guff about it. Kate is our friend and we can stop podcasting with her literally anytime she says she won’t be on the show. But since Kate…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2020 First Cow The Taste Buds discuss 2020’s most tender movie, First Cow! The Taste Buds can’t get enough of Kate from soon-to-be-released podcast, Movie I’d Like to Fix, so we brought her back to raise brows and talk cows. Movies love to be loud and in your face, but what if…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2020 Promising Young Woman The Taste Buds discuss 2020’s most promising young movie, Promising Young Woman! The Taste Buds were so upset by the movie Promising Young Woman that we had to ask new friend Kate* to help us process it. You will probably feel every feeling when you watch this movie. There…
Read MoreThe Superhero Show Show #365 Wanda and Vision Divorce Themselves It’s the season (series?) finale of WandaVision on an all-new The Superhero Show Show! On a very special episode of The Superhero Show Show, The Taste Buds discuss and dissect the finale of Wandavision! Who lived, who died, and who ended up somewhere in the middle? Cassie and the Boyz will…
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