Show: Movie of the Year
Blog Posts from the Movie of the Year
Movie of the Year: 2001 The Royal Tenenbaums The Taste Buds swoon over 2001’s most twee and whimsical film, The Royal Tenenbaums! The Royal Tenenbaums is not just a movie: It is a Wes Anderson movie. In many ways, it is the most Wes Anderson movie of all time. Full of whimsy, color, and cool, the movie…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2001 Mixtape The Taste Buds compile the best 2001 playlist of all time! There is more to life than just putting things into brackets and making them square off. You can also put the things into a list and then scream at your friends about the order of that list. Which…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 1985 Horror The Finale Part I (feat. Mike Gravagno from The Superhero Show Show) It’s time to decide which movie will be knighted as the greatest horror movie of 1985! After an arduous three years, where Ryan and Tompkins climbed every height and fell down every valley that is the horror…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2001 Spirited Away The Taste Buds swoon over 2001’s most visually stunning film, Spirited Away! Spirited Away is such a great movie you probably don’t need to hear us talk about it (Greg, try not to actively discourage people from listening to the show, when possible -Ed.), but just because you…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2001 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring The Taste Buds kick off the 2001 season of Movie of the Year with Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring! It’s time for the TasteBudz to start tackling the movies of 2001. And could there be a better…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 1985 Horror The Return of the Living Dead (feat. Alex from the Beyond the Void Podcast) The Taste Buds continue working on the horror films of 1985 with The Return of the Living Dead! On a very special episode of Movie of the Year, Ryan and Tompkins call in their good friend Alex, host…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2001 The Battle Begins The Taste Buds Kick off the 2001 season of Movie of the Year and the choose which eight movies will make up the season! 2001 is here! We are about to get underway on a big year at the old movie plex. New host Mike is going…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2020 I’m Thinking of Ending Things The Taste Buds continue working on 2020 with I’m Thinking of Ending Things! On a very special episode of Movie of the Year, Mike and Ryan call in their good friend Christina Barsi, owner o f Avant Haus Media, to come to the studio and help them…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 2020 Emma The Taste Buds continue working on 2020 with Emma! On a very special episode of Movie of the Year, Ryan takes Mike and Tompkins back into the crazy world of 2020. It’s time to start looking at the movies from this year, so we’ll spend the next couple of weeks with Emma, Color…
Read MoreMovie of the Year: 1985 Horror Phenomena Continuing the Movie of the Year spinoff, the Taste Buds tackle the horror movies of 1985! Up next: Phenomena! here were too many horror movies in 1985, and literally none of them made the Elite 8, so Ryan and his good friend Tompkins decided to give them their own show! On…
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