Show: Movie of the Year
Blog Posts from the Movie of the Year
Movie of the Year 2018: The Favourite The Taste Buds review the 2018 movie The Favourite! Join your host Greg as he welcomes this week’s contestants: Mike, Ryan, and Mackenna aka Books from the Unnatural 20s podcast! Join the foursome as they try to sink their teeth into every aspect of this satirical costume drama directed by…
Read MoreMovie of the Year 2018: Blackkklansman The Taste Buds review the 2018 movie Blackkklansman! Join your host Greg as he welcomes this week’s contestants: Ryan, Mike, and Chris the Tow Truck Driver! These four pasty, lily-white gentlemen will try and break Blackkklansman open, trying to uncover every hidden nugget they can. What will the friends discover about the role…
Read MoreMovie of the Year 2018: 2018 Mixtape The Taste Budz have mixtape fever and the only prescription is more mixtape. Can the dudes manage to craft, live and uninterrupted, a mix tape of the best songs of 2018? I don’t know, man, you’re going to have to listen, but I bet whatever they do is…
Read MoreMovie of the Year 2018: Annihilation The Taste Buds review the 2018 movie, Annihilation! Mike is Greg; some guy named Survivor Phil is Mike; thankfully, Ryan is still just Ryan. But isn’t everyone being someone else perfect for a movie where people sorta become one another, or become weird animal-human hybrids? How did the gang respond to…
Read MoreMovie of the Year 2018: Roma The Taste Buds review the 2018 movie, Roma! Join host Greg as he throws contestants Ryan and Mike into the pit of mortal combat to see owns Roma and wins the coveted title of Greg’s number one best friend! The Taste Buds tackle everything about the movie, from its quiet nature,…
Read MoreMovie of the Year 2018: The Battle Begins image via Movie of the Year reveals the 16 movies that will compete to be named the 2018 movie of the year! Join Greg, Mike, and Ryan as they whittle down the sweet 16 to the elite 8, and discover which 8 movies they will be covering in…
Read MoreMOVIE OF THE YEAR: TV Drama of the Year Pt. 2 The Taste Buds choose the best TV Drama show of 2018! Now that the dust has settled on the first round of TV Drama 2018, it’s time to turn our sites to next few rounds and declare an eventual winner. This week, 8…
Read MoreMOVIE OF THE YEAR: TV Drama of the Year The Taste Buds choose the best TV Drama show of 2018! Now that the dust has settled on the comedy portion of 2018, it’s time to turn our sites to drama. This week, 16 dramas get thrown into the bracket, attempting to do what it…
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