The Boys vs…Butcher?!

Side profile of Butcher with blood running down his face standing off across from Homelander. Moment taken from The Boys vs Butcher?!

  The Superhero Show Show #542 The Boys vs…BUTCHER?! Introduction: The Boys vs Butcher – A Battle for Supremacy In this thrilling episode of “The Superhero Show Show” podcast, our hosts dive deep into the explosive events of “The Boys” episode 408, titled “Assassination Run.” The battle lines are drawn, and it’s The Boys vs…

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1984 – The Terminator

  Movie of the Year: 1984 The Terminator Welcome to another exciting episode of the Movie of the Year podcast, where we delve into the films that have left an indelible mark on cinematic history. In this episode, our hosts take on the sci-fi classic The Terminator. With special guest Pete Wright from the Marvel…

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1984 – Action Figure Draft, Part II

Movie of the Year: 1984 The 1984 Action Figure Draft: The Exciting Conclusion We’ve all been there: you and your friends open up your toybox and figure out a plan. How do you play with all of these action figures, all from different universes, intellectual properties, and power levels. It’s draft time, baby! Join Greg…

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Sweet Tooth’s Sappy Sweet Series Finale

Wendy, Gus, Becky, and Big Man standing next to each other, standing in a field in the series finale of Sweet Tooth

  The Superhero Show Show #540 Sweet Tooth’s Sappy Sweet Series Finale In the latest installment of “The Superhero Show Show” podcast, the hosts delve into the series finale of “The Sweet Tooth,” focusing on episode 308 titled “This is a Story.” This episode marks a significant milestone as the beloved series concludes its journey,…

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The Boys Get Knocked Down a Pegg

  The Superhero Show Show #539 The Boys Get Knocked Down a Pegg Welcome to another thrilling episode of The Superhero Show Show podcast! In this episode, our hosts dive deep into “The Boys” season 4, episode 5, titled “Beware the Jabberwock, My Son.” The discussion centers around Hughie Campbell and the intense, gripping narrative…

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1984 – Paris Texas

  Movie of the Year: 1984 Paris, Texas Welcome to the Movie of the Year podcast, where we delve into the most impactful and iconic films that have graced the silver screen. In this episode, we turn our attention to “Paris, Texas,” a masterful work by the acclaimed director Wim Wenders. Join us as we…

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Is The Boys Actually About FASCISM!?!

Homeland in Season 4 of the Boys stading on stage with both arm stretched out. Red, white, and blue confetti is falling around him

  The Boys Season 4: Department of Dirty Tricks The Superhero Show Show #537 Two Boys Talking Season 4 of The Boys Join the boys of the Superhero Show Show as they cherish their total boys night and do a deep dive into the first two episodes of Season 4 of The Boys, catch up…

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1984 – The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (with Matt Singer!)

  Movie of the Year: 1984 The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (with Matt Singer!) Explore the cult classic “Buckaroo Banzai” with the Movie of the Year podcast, featuring Matt Singer. Dive into genre, performances, and the film’s lasting message. In this exciting episode of the Movie of the Year podcast, we…

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Superman vs General Lane

  My Adventures With Superman Season 2: Fullmetal Scientist The Superhero Show Show #536 Superman vs General Lane Join The Superhero Show Show as they debate if living with General Lane is Superman’s hardest battle yet on My Adventures With Superman and see how well Spider-Man and Doctor Strange’s first encounter goes on Spider-Man the…

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My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Premiere: Highlights and Insights

  The Superhero Show Show #535 My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Premiere: Highlights and Insights Join The Superhero Show Show as they dive into My Adventures With Superman Season 2 premiere and revisit Spider-Man: The Animated Series Neogenic Nightmare! In this episode of The Superhero Show Show, the hosts delve into the much-anticipated season…

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